Welcome 👋
With this test, you will discover your Innate Creative Capabilities (ICC).
It is very important that you read 🧐 the following points before starting the test in order to do so correctly:
Go ahead, start your adventure! 💚🙏
IMPORTANT NOTE: This test has been verified according to the psychometrics of the data obtained from the test itself. Your data is for scientific use only and to access the newsletter, from which you can unsubscribe at any time. You can find more information about the research on the creativity type and the psychometric test on the official blog: https://www.tonyestruch.com/geniotipo
1. I like to devote my free time to creative/artistic pursuits.
2. I would feel fulfilled working as a representative of a commercial brand.
3. Others come first and then me.
4. It is impossible for me to work on something that does not stimulate my creativity.
5. I feel that I don't know how to sell, because I don't know how to present myself well.
6. My work has to be related to science.
7. My creative spark has occasionally brought me positive media coverage.
8. I would like to dedicate my life to science and research.
9. I need creativity to be a part of my life.
10. I would like to be a scientist (in medicine, technology, engineering, physics, etc.).
11. I would not like to be a surgeon.
12. Although I am good at selling, I do not feel a calling to be a salesperson or marketing agent.
13. I wouldn't like to work as an accountant, administrator, or manager.
14. Most of all, I would like to be a sales agent or marketing consultant.
15. As I see it, rational thought is more important than feelings.
16. My talent or gift has brought me vast economic rewards.
17. My role in life is to be a philosopher like Plato, Descartes or Nietzsche.
18. Although it is hard to make a living through creativity or art, that is what I want to do.
19. I would like to work in a creative area.
20. I find it hard to follow my passion because it doesn't pay off.
21. I'm more of a giver than a taker, even when it’s detrimental to me.
22. I would never work in a rehab clinic or palliative care center.
23. I feel an irresistible need to always help other people.
24. I feel passionate about educating young people using new teaching methods.
25. I would change to a simpler lifestyle if that would allow me to bring out my creativity.
26. I am constantly seeking to discover the meaning of life itself.
27. I would love to work helping other people to find their purpose in life.
28. I know that I'm a child prodigy like mozart or michael jackson.
29. My destiny is to be an international icon like Leo Messi, Lady Gaga, Einstein, or George Clooney.
30. I reject everything related to the occult. (Related to magic, the paranormal, etc.)
31. I would love to work in an office doing administrative tasks.
32. I am not attracted to the idea of doing humanitarian missions.
33. I would like to work with an ngo that represents my ethical principles.
34. My calling has nothing to do with being a psychologist or psychiatrist.
35. I would like to work in law enforcement.
36. I am attracted to obscure concepts, such as death.
37. Esoteric beliefs and practices are a bunch of nonsense.
38. I am very attracted to the world of witchcraft.
39. My creativity could be considered dark, like the novels of stephen king.
40. Working as an artist or creator is a waste of time and it is better to do something else.
41. I would never work as a doctor, physicist, or astronaut.
42. My main virtue is to help others in a humanitarian way.
43. I would like to work as a forensic pathologist.
44. I like to invent things (electronics, engineering, etc.).
45. I would like to dedicate my life to the study of human knowledge and behavior.
46. I take on other people's obligations and stick up for them, even when I shouldn't.
47. I could work every day as a teacher, because I love teaching.
To complete the questionnaire, answer the last 3 questions by evaluating your current situation.
Your ideal job, does it match the one you have?
Without taking into account your salary, do you feel fulfilled in your work?
Currently, are you working in the field you studied or trained for?
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Thank you for taking the test. Your participation is of immense help for our research. 🥰